May 2021: I realized I hadn’t put the South Dakota Girls Trip in my TravelBlog, so I’m reconstructing by using what I put in my other blog and I’ll add photos.
Same as the St. Louis trip I recently reconstructed (September 2009). That entry talks about how we met.
Connie and I had visited Jennie in South Dakota in 2011 and thought it might be a nice idea to plan another girls trip there. We set the wheels in motion and Jennie found a nice rental, mostly used for hunting and fishing trips. It's log cabin style on a bluff overlooking the Missouri River.
This trip included: Amy, Connie, Deb, Jennie, Lynn, Staci, me.
From my other blog:
What do women do on Girls Weekend (or extended weekend as the case may be)? Well you talk about colonoscopies of course. What else would you expect? 

Princess (Jennie's daughter) joined us while we had lunch. 

Then we went grocery shopping.
We stopped by Cogan House to drop off groceries and assess cooking apparatus (pots, knives, etc.)
Checked in at GB&B (Jennie's).
Went to dinner in Hooterville (Jennie's nick name for the Middle-of-Nowhere, SD).
Wine and chit-chat before bed.
Up and out bright and early to the big city to pick up Amy
at the airport.

Message that Stacis flight would be delayed.
What to do? What to do?

Another message that Staci would miss her connecting flight but was confirmed on the next flight.
What to do? What to do?
Picked up Staci
and headed to GB&B to pick up our (Lynn and my) luggage and misc baskets of weekend supplies). Quick stop at Grandma Darlenes for Kolaches.

Cogan House for cocktails. Jennie made Oatmeal Cookies

ETA - "Oatmeal Cookies" is a cocktail, not to be confused with Jennie baking!
I stated the Baked French Toast (it has to set up overnight) and soaked the beans for chili.
Also a cocktail, not to be confused with 

Breakfast and started chili.
Staci, Jennie and I went for a walk.
Staci and I did a smidgeon of a short walk/jog (~50 paces, x2).
Jennie went home for SF&P, made cornbread and a Birthday cake for Deb. Yes, Jennie baked! Now you can 

After lunch Connie
and Deb

I made Lemon Chicken with noodles and asparagus. Ill have you know it was garden asparagus, not ditch asparagus.
Who knew?

Cake, candles and
Happy Birthday To You
was sung by all.

More cocktails, chit-chat, music, and did I mention cocktails?
Breakfast (M-M-Good).
A ghostly image streaked across the picture.
Connie said it was probably a cobweb but I'm sticking with the ghost story!

I tripped and fell down on round 2. Boo. 

A little road rash on my palms and a skinned up knee.
Deb to the rescue. Soap, water, Advil, ice pack, Magical Healing Salve. Thanks again Nurse Deb. 

Time for Amy and Staci to check out of the Cogan House and back to the airport via the Jennie Shuttle Service.
Jennie and Patti - more shopping in Sioux Falls = Graduation gift for the Princess. Soup and Sammy Shop. Quick breeze thru the grocery store. Apparently there was a little sight seeing adventure (Connie, Deb & Lynn) and maybe some nap time while we gone.
Lynn created a new cocktail with a Rock Star coffee drink, Bailys and Kahlua. It was super good. We named it after Lynn. The D.V.

Jennie made breakfast. Yes, Jennie.
and the smoke detector only went off once! 

Packed up and checked out of Cogan House.
Checked into GB&B.
Lynn headed home around noon-ish.
Jennie took Connie, Deb and I on a sightseeing tour. 

Scenic drive across the bridge into Nebraska. 

Back to GB&B for wine (or beer) (or Goldschläger) and more talk.
After breakfast Connie, Deb and I packed up and hit the road.
Quick stop at Whimsies. It's a cute little chotskie shop with lots of garden things and collectables. Jennie had taken Connie and I there on our previous visit.
GPS lady kept trying to make us turn left when we needed to go straight. 

Returning the rental car was uneventful. 

Security Alert RedNek Wine Glasses! 

Lunch at airport.
Flight was uneventful to Denver. 

On my flight from Denver to Phoenix there was a screaming baby right behind me. She cried the ENTIRE flight.
The mom had another child with her who was probably 3 (perfect little angel boy) and a man who I assumed was her husband. She had NO soothing skills for her baby. 

Bottom line I had a great time. I felt well rested and recharged.
(Next day's entry)
Two things I forgot to mention in my recap:
1 - Lynn made PDG Margaritas (Pretty Darn Good) with the supplies her hubby packed for her road trip. 

I think Ill call it a road side emergency kit.
2 THANK YOU so much Ms. Jennie for making the Cogan House arrangements, the airport trips, the B&B at the GB&B for the additional nights, the sightseeing tours, all the extras you threw in like the Oatmeal Cookie Cocktail fixins, the pantry and refrigerator items we didn't have to buy, the Kolaches and of course, last but not least, the swag bags. 

Oh, and I wouldn't mind one single bit if you sent me the Deb BD Cake recipe.